OSMO PostFix

We now offer a product online called OSMO PostFix. We highly recommend this product when installing your Freestanding House Sign. When your freestanding house sign arrives, it is ready to install straight away.

Please follow this link to see an instruction video of how to use OSMO Postfix.

How deep do I need to dig the holes?

A very common question we are asked is ‘how deep do I need to dig my holes before I install my new freestanding house sign?’

You probably do not need to dig the hole(s) as deep as you may think, however this is only the case if you chose to fix the sign posts in place with an adhesive of some description. Products such as Postcrete, OSMO PostFix, or even concrete can be used. We feel OSMO PostFix is the easiest product to use. For this reason, we now sell OSMO PostFix online and this product can be added to your cart when you are building your freestanding house sign within our Online Sign Builder.

As a good rule of thumb, for an average house sign, we suggest putting approximately 200mm below ground for every 500mm you wish to have above ground. This can vary though so please see worked examples below:

  • Post length required above ground for a double oak post sign: 600mm.

Post length to be buried underground with PostFix: 250mm

  • Post length required above ground for a double oak post sign: 1200mm.

Post length to be buried underground with PostFix: 400mm

  • Post length required above ground for a double oak post sign: 2000mm.

Post length to be buried underground with PostFix: 500mm

When we are asked to do an installation, we use a hand-held auger, a small shovel and a metal bar to dig a nice and neat hole with a small diameter. The holes do not need to be much larger than the post itself, so aim for a hole diameter of 150mm. This means you don’t have to move as much soil, and a single pack of OSMO PostFix will be adequate.

An auger (optional), an iron bar (or similar), a small shovel and a spirit level (very important)

Once the holes have been dug.

Whichever style of freestanding house sign you have chosen, the fixing method is exactly the same.

Just pre-dig your hole(s) to your required depth, and keep back some soil and turf as you will need this later. Place the oak post(s) in the ground and make sure you have your spirit level handy! Follow the instructions on the OSMO PostFix packaging and keep the sign posts level until the OSMO PostFix has set – this only takes three minutes. Be aware, because the OSMO PostFix is Polyeurethane base, the liquid mix will start to expand as soon as you have poured it into the hole.

Once the PostFix has set, you may need to trim back any over-spill from the top of the hole. Once this is done, back fill the remaining hole with some leftover soil and turf which you kept back earlier. Your freestanding house sign is now installed.

Bespoak Designs